Dr. Brian Schmitz, DDS
Located in Warren
Professional History
Dr. Brian Schmitz practices in the Redwood Dental office in Warren, MI. He enjoys dentistry because of the personal interaction with patients and loves how dynamic dentistry is. He is always looking for ways to better serve his patients. Dr. Brian Schmitz is a member of the Christian Dental Association, the Michigan Dental Association, and the American Dental Association.
Dr. Brian Schmitz’s education includes an Undergraduate degree in Psychology from Wayne State University and a Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the University of Detroit Mercy.
Personal Background
When out of the office, Dr. Schmitz enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking. He is also an avid sports fan, especially golf and football. Additionally, he loves spending time with family and friends. Dr. Schmitz has gone on dental mission trips to the Dominican Republic in the past and continues to be involved in other overseas missions.